Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pratham Started Learn out of the Box Programme in Aagaz  Community Learning Centre (CLC)

Audience from Community

About Programme

Learn, Out of the Box is a Pratham Education Foundation initiative in partnership with the Vodafone Foundation India. The project will bring a low-cost digital learning solution to 1000 low-income schools across 12 states of India, with the aim of reaching over 50,000 children. The goal is to enhance teaching and learning in low-income schools through the introduction of technology as a teaching tool.
Program objectives
  • To enrich the lesson planning and in-class experiences of teachers; 
  • To engage students by making learning fun;
  • To enhance students’ classroom experiences by diversifying learning activities; 
  • To improve student learning outcomes, both subject specific and in a broader context

The Technology

The WebBox was designed by the Vodafone Group. It is essentially a smart phone repackaged as a keyboard, with a 600 MHz processor that runs on Android 2.1 OS. It includes AV cables that plug into a television, which is a part of the hardware package provided to schools. Additionally, it is internet-enabled through a 2G SIM card.

 The WebBox is equipped with a learning application for the classroom that contains state-curriculum aligned digital content. This includes videos, slideshows, and classroom activity ideas that are stored directly on the WebBox and can be used by the teacher both within the classroom and during lesson planning.

Target Audience

The project aims to impact economically disadvantaged children by reaching under-resourced schools that meet the following criteria:
  • Management type and location: Government, government-aided, low-income private (with a monthly fee ceiling), and NGO run schools in rural, semi-urban and urban localities
  • Medium of instruction: English and Hindi Medium Schools
  • Grade: Upper-primary (Class 6 and 7)


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